Creativity Master Blaster

Improving, growing and moving forward


Online Courses





Creativity Master Blaster

Improving, growing and moving forward

Did you know that creativity is just like any muscle in your body? If you don’t use it, it gets weak. And the more you exercise it, the better you get at it. Regardless of how creative you think you are, remember there is never an end goal, because you always want to improve, grow and move forward. So if you want to get constant rebookings, why don’t you just invest in your creativity skills as much time as you do in your balloon skills?

Today Scott Tripp, an award winning international balloon artist with more than 20 years in the game, will teach you how to make intentional choices so that you can allow creativity to flow freely. You will begin to find inspiration everywhere around you, and you will be glad you’ve invested your time today in improving your creativity skills.

And that is not all. Enrol in Creativity Master Blaster today and get 3 FREE bonus materials, including 2 of Scott Tripp’s Balloon Jam sessions PLUS an exclusive access to Restaurant Twisting Online Convention.

General Course Outline

You will easily learn:
1. How to improve your creativity
2. The difference between being creative and imaginative
3. Creative tools and exercises to utilize in your day to day balloon work
4. The 2 different types of creative thinking you need to use
5. The 6 different levels of creative thought
6. How to find inspiration from non-balloon elements and turn them into masterpieces
7. How to make intentional choices so that you can allow creativity to flow
8. PLUS 3 FREE Bonuses: 2 Balloon Jams with Scott Tripp plus Restaurant Twisting Online Convention

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Course Information

Course Instructor

Scott Tripp Scott Tripp Author

Creativity Master Blaster


Creativity Master Blaster in Installment

$100.00 / month for 2 months

Members Only


Creativity 101

Creativity through Inspiration

Creativity exercises

Advanced Creativity Tactics

The Bonus Module